
Autumn Anderson

Autumn is an RRCA certified Endurance Running Coach with more than 6 years experience with CES. From beginning as a pacer for the Women’s Half Program to mentoring and then coaching the No Boundaries program, she has been working with half and full marathon athletes at Old Town since 2014 and recently became the head coach of the virtual program.

In addition to running, Autumn is also an RYT 200 certified Yoga Instructor and an ACE certified Health Coach. While her day job is on a corporate marketing team, Autumn also has her own coaching business, where she works with women looking to reach their health and wellness goals.

Autumn is passionate about helping others find balance in their lives by meeting them where they're at and providing options for exercise and healthy habits that fit their busy lifestyles.


Available for Virtual 1:1 Coaching

(must be current member of CES Training program)

IMPORTANT NOTE: We have limited slots available for each coach, to insure their ability to give the full attention that you deserve. If your preferred Coach is not available, we will work with you to select an appropriate Coach, to ensure an appropriate match.