There are many factors that go into the decision to cancel a training session, and not all conditions are predictable. However - our primary concern is always thinking about the safety of our athletes, coaches and staff. In our opinion, there is no workout in the world that is important enough to put anyone in a potentially dangerous situation.
In the event that we must cancel a Group Workout, we will do our best to update participants via Final Surge, no later than one (1) hour prior to the regularly scheduled starting time. We do reserve the right to cancel any workout at any moment, if weather conditions become dangerous.
For Cancellation Information, we will post updates for our athletes in the following locations, in priority order:
Training Social Walls for each program on Final Surge
Email from Training via Final Surge platform
Examples of conditions that could cause cancellation include (but are not limited to):
Cold weather:
Temperature is below 0 degrees
Dangerous path conditions (icy, snowy, etc.)
Heat/Air Quality:
Heat index falls within the Danger or Extreme Danger zone (reference the NWS Heat Index)
AQI 151+ (reference Fleet Feet Blog)
Severe Weather:
Dangerous weather conditions, such as ice storms, hail, high winds, tornado watch warnings etc.
Lightening is present in the event of a thunderstorm
*Fleet Feet Chicago/Fleet Feet Training x CES reserves the right to cancel any run that is not deemed safe for participants