In our opinion, it's our staff of coaches that make us stand out. We all share a passion for helping others reach for and attain their goals—no matter what they might be.

Why is it so important to have qualified coaches? They can:

  • Evaluate your current fitness level and goals to make sure you are training at an appropriate level

  • Evaluate and suggest ways to improve your running form

  • Assist you if you need to adjust your training schedule, in the event of an injury or missed training due to travel or life in general

  • Motivate and challenge you to reach your goals in a smart, safe & effective manner

(Coaches listed alphabetically by First name)


Craig Strong

Long Course Focus

Email Craig

Daphne Glover

Long Course/Short Course Virtual Focus

Email Daphne

Jordan Grauer

Cycling Focus

Email Jordan

Kathryn England

Sprint/Olympic Triathlon Focus

Email Katie

Katie Fischer

Long/Short Course, Marathon/Half-Marathon

Email Katie