Katie Bryk

Katie Bryk joined the CES coaching team in 2015 as the lead coach of the Elmhurst location. Katie’s running career began back in 1999 when she completed the Chicago Marathon. What she thought was going to be a one and done bucket list item became a life changing experience.  Katie, a Boston Marathon Qualifier (and finisher!), has run 50 marathons and countess 5ks, 10ks and half marathons.  Prior to CES, Katie coached running programs at other local running stores and mentored as part of the No Boundaries 5k program at Fleet Feet Elmhurst.

Katie’s favorite part of coaching is working with first time half and full marathon runners.  For Katie, there’s nothing more exciting than watching a runner cross the finish line for the first time.  Katie also loves the community of runners that make up CES Elmhurst.  CES isn’t just about training for a race.  It’s about building friendships as the miles pass by. 

In addition to being an avid runner and CES coach, Katie is an English language learner teacher for elementary students, a mom of two teenage boys and a chiweenie named Harvey, and she’s happily married to her favorite running buddy, Jeff.

Email: kbryk@chicagoendurancesports.com

Available for Virtual 1:1 Coaching

IMPORTANT NOTE: We have limited slots available for each coach, to insure their ability to give the full attention that you deserve. If your preferred Coach is not available, we will work with you to select an appropriate Coach, to ensure an appropriate match.